[来源:http://www.dianlanguagou.com.cn] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-04-18] [浏览次数:]
电缆吊挂要求 Cable suspension requirements 1、主要巷道和掘进巷道电缆敷设: 1. Cable laying in main laneways and roadways: 掘进工作面的电缆要及时挂起。连采掘进(包括房采)工作面的电缆必须及时吊挂到工作面外第一个联巷处。拖曳电缆及破碎机电缆富余段要求在巷道壁,安装电缆挂钩(或设计合理的电缆框)将电缆吊挂整齐,盘圈数不得超过10圈。 The cable in the heading face should be hung in time. The cable must be hung up to the first connecting lane outside the working face. The towing cable and the surplus section of the crusher cable demand that the cable hook (or the design of a reasonable cable frame) will be hung neatly in the wall of the roadway, and the number of the disc can not exceed 10 cycles. 跨巷电缆必须紧贴巷帮、顶板用平电缆钩敷设,在巷道的两个上角处设电缆钩吊挂,保证电缆吊挂整齐、美观,巷内有风筒时,要在风筒的上方吊挂跨巷电缆。电缆必须用对应电缆根数电缆钩挂在顶上,间距1米电缆钩贴顶,水平成一条直线,从巷道帮到顶板必须贴帮垂直挂起。 The crossing cable must be attached to the roadway and the roof with flat cable hook, and the cable hook is hung at the two upper corners of the roadway to ensure that the cable hangs neatly and beautiful. When there is a wind tunnel in the alley, the cross Lane cable should be hanged above the wind tunnel. The cable must be hung on the top with the number of cable hooks of the corresponding cable root. The cable hook is attached to the top with a distance of 1 meters. The horizontal line is a straight line. From the tunnel to the roof, the top board must be mounted vertically. 巷道内的电缆钩均挂在巷道的主帮,从上到下的吊挂顺序依次为信号电缆、低压电缆、高压电缆,不允许同一个电缆钩槽内敷设多根电缆。同类型的电缆在电缆钩上敷设时,从上到下按直径由小到大排列。电缆钩固定使 The cable hooks in the laneway are all hung in the main side of the tunnel. The order of the hooked up and down is the signal cable, the low voltage cable and the high pressure cable in order, and the cable hook slot in the same cable is not allowed to lay multiple cables. The same type of cable in cable laying on the hook, from top to bottom, sorted by diameter. Cable hook fixing 综采顺槽巷道掘进,电缆钩选用五钩电缆钩,房采巷道掘进和其他巷道掘进,电缆钩选用满足使用电缆要求电缆钩。 The five hook cable hooks are selected for the tunnel heading in fully mechanized mining, and the cable hooks are used to meet the use of cable. 电缆钩吊挂高度一致。电缆吊挂垂度一致(垂度不大于水平拉线50mm),且间距一致,不得交叉。 The height of the cable hooked hooked is the same. The cable hangs sag is consistent (sag is not greater than horizontal pull line 50mm), and the spacing is consistent, must not cross. 所有电缆必须进行吊挂,低压电缆接线盒必须吊挂在与所连接电缆同一水平的位置,严禁用电缆承重的方式吊挂接线盒。 All cables must be hanged. The low-voltage cable junction box must be hanged at the same level as the connected cable, and the junction box is suspended from the way of cable bearing. 高压接线盒必须设专用锚栓吊挂牢靠,两侧电缆富余量要保持一致,且每一侧富余量不得超过1.5米。设局部接地极,接地线靠帮垂直到底板,接地符合安全规定。 The high voltage junction box must have a special anchor bolt to hang firmly, the surplus of both cables should be consistent, and the surplus allowance on each side should not exceed 1.5 meters. The local grounding pole is set up, and the grounding wire is supported by vertical bottom plate. The grounding is in conformity with the safety regulations. 2、综采工作面: 2. Fully mechanized face: 1巷道内电缆吊挂要求同上。 1 the cable hanger in the roadway is required in the same way. 2专列电缆吊挂要求,所有电缆全部使用电缆架敷设,不得落地散放,富余和回撤电缆盘到电缆车上,要求成8字形盘放整齐。 2 cable suspension requirements, all cables are all used by cable frame, not to be scattered, surplus and retracting cable tray to the cable car, required to form 8 shape plate neatly. 3电缆架内电缆必须水平敷设不得交叉,并要求垂度一致。电缆架完好无变形,挡杆齐全到位。 3, the cable must be laid horizontally, and it must not be crossed. The cable rack is intact and has no deformation, and the retaining rod is fully in place.
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